You must give your email in the comment if you want to win. On the day of the giveaway, I will choose 2 different comments from different people, and I will award them the 2 codes via email. Please do not post double comments, or repeated comments from one person. You can say anything you like in the comments, except for swearing and other inappropriate language. Here’s how the contest works it’s like a lottery. a week ago, and I’m hoping to get a lot of hits, so to start off the new year, I’m giving out 2 Club Penguin DS Elite Force CODES! These give you 1500 Coins, a Spy Phone (if you didn’t have one), and…… ACCESS TO THE ULTRA SECRET UBER COOL EPF HQ! I wonder if it will become Ice! -shivers. Have you seen the Ski Lodge Attic recently? It looks like they’re storing snow for a party in February! Click Here for the Mission 10 Walkthrough and Guide